Get energized with this powerful sun technique


Quite often it’s adversity that offers the greatest opportunity for us to go deeper into the strength of who we really are.  We are the essence of God having an experience as a human being. What we think and feel creates our perception of what is real for us.  

I’m inviting you to lift your energy vibration and create your idea of the future using your true Source strength which is peace, calm, well-being, abundance, vibrancy. And our beautiful sun will help you do that.

Next time you’re outside, close your eyes and lift your face to the sun. Take a couple deep breaths and you’ll notice an array of neon colors. Bright clear colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, deeper blue, purple, gold, white. These are the colors of your energy centers (chakras).

The sun’s rays feed your centers with powerful light energy that you need to feel like yourself—strong and calm. Take deep breaths and watch as the colors change. You’ll see the ones you need most.  I’ve also noticed activities like walking help open your field and bring in the colors.   


Root (or Base): red—stability, bravery, courage, grounded, strength, determination, security

Sacral: orange—harmony, spontaneity, creativity, passion, physical vitality, sacred sensuality and sexuality

Solar Plexus: yellow—intelligence, confidence, personal power, independence, individuality, flexibility, personality, humor, Divine will

Heart: green—joy, faith, compassion, miracles, magic

High Heart (thymus): pink or aqua—selfless devotion to Universal creation, unconditional love, joy

Throat: sky blue—language, communication, magnetism, truth, honesty

Brow (or Third Eye): cobalt blue or purple—psychic vision, clairvoyance, intuition, crystal clear clarity

Crown: purple or pink—Divine wisdom, Divine connection, ascended mastery, ecstasy, bliss, humbleness, illumination

Transpersonal Point (about a foot above the head, connection to God Self):  white or gold — Christ consciousness 

As always, if you’re in pain, anxiety, or fear, or would like to learn more about your energy system and how to create your best life, book a Healing Touch energy session with me.  If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment