A simple way to use your voice to feel better


Sometimes I have clients open their energy centers (chakras) by using their voice. They hum the scales up and down, making different sounds such as lah, ohm, mmm, ahh, uhm, and so on. A change of mouth position creates different vibrations.

This type of opening and balancing of the energy centers is known as toning. It’s super easy, and anybody can do it. In fact, you’ll often hear children toning. Children make sounds, and string together notes—sometimes loudly, depending on what they need.

For my clients, I have them put one hand on their belly (solar plexus chakra), and one hand on their throat or the back of their neck (throat chakra), and just make sounds. High ones and low ones and everything in-between. They pay attention to when they hit the sound they feel in the energy center beneath their hands.

My clients place their hands at the different energy centers on their bodies trying different sounds. That way they know which sound vibrates best with that particular center in order to create balance within their whole energy field (aura).

I encourage you to give it a try. Just close your eyes, take a deep breath, place your hands on your body and hum different sounds. Feel the vibration beneath your hands as you hit on the notes that resonate with your chakras. 

That’s all there is to it to feel in better balance through toning.

And, as always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a  session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.  

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

2020Mary BauerComment