A message from a man I admire


I had my eyes opened this past week by Shola Richards, an author, TedX speaker, and workplace civility expert who happens to be black. I admire this man so much for the positive changes he’s bringing to the world in his gentle, common sense way.

So, when he shared his real fear on FB of being a target simply by taking a walk in his own neighborhood, I listened. In fact, he never takes a walk alone without his 8-year old daughter and fluffy white dog. That way he’s just a loving dad and pet owner out for a walk. Without them, some people see him as a scary threat.

When he talks about “white privilege” being real, he’s not saying life isn’t hard for white people. He’s saying the color of your skin isn’t adding another layer of difficulty to your life.

He says, “Responding to ‘Black Lives Matter’ by saying ‘All Lives Matter’ is insensitive, tone-deaf and dumb. All lives can’t matter until black lives matter.”

This made me think, because I’m one of those who believes that all lives matter. But thanks to Mr. Richards I think I get it. Yes, all lives do matter, but they won’t if we keep watering down the message of this movement and refuse to see it for what it is—a real opportunity to end oppression, ignorance, fear, and the blatant refusal to listen or understand.

Don’t let the looting blind you to the message. It’s super difficult to put yourself in the shoes of another when it’s not your experience. That’s why we must listen with open minds and hearts if we want the positive societal changes Mr. Richards is working towards. How can that happen if even he is afraid to walk alone in his own neighborhood?

All lives matter. Of course, they do. But not if black lives matter less. Click the link to read Shola Richards entire post:  https://www.facebook.com/ThePositivitySolution/photos/a.524164701061140/2031038437040418

As always, I’d love to work with you when you’re ready. You can book a session with me for Healing Touch or Intuitive Life Coaching.

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