What can babies teach us about enlightenment?
The Christmas story is such a lovely, hopeful one. A child born in a manger to a teen mother and carpenter father who would later self-actualize as his authentic Christ nature. Through his great love and the connection for all of us, he spent his brief time on earth sharing enlightened information to help us find our own way to Christ consciousness.
Others have done so as well, sharing with humanity the journey of enlightenment. One thing they had in common is they started out as babies—pure of heart, vulnerable, and innocent of worldly matters. Like each of us.
What babies aren’t is blank slates. Look into the eyes of any newborn and you’ll see such a perfect reflection of unconditional love and wisdom that their mere presence swamps our emotions with tears of gratitude. Like the Grinch, it’s as if our hearts grow three sizes by being around them.
In my opinion, each precious child is proof that God exists. It’s the child, still so close to the world just beyond ours, that brings such hope and feelings of redemptive possibilities. We feel the world is a good place just because they are in it.
Jesus (Yeshua) encouraged us to live by our childlike nature. He wasn’t saying we should stop being adults, but I think he was saying start remembering who you really are by letting go of who you’re not. We are to look at everything through the eyes of a child. Adults see a butterfly. Children fly with it.
Why? Because they are still living in Presence. They have not allowed the false egoic identity to take over their authentic perfect nature. They are curious and spontaneous. Quick to be in their emotions without judgment, and quick to release them if allowed. They do not worry needlessly unless they are taught to do so by example. To children, everything is possible—as our master teachers have explained and demonstrated.
So, what can we do to align more often with our child-like nature, especially as we feel the holiday stressors?
By staying calm and centered and connected with the real you. Here’s how:
Take a deep breath and close your eyes.
Put a hand over your heart. Wait a few seconds and you’ll start to feel the warmth of your hand meld with the warmth of your chest.
As you feel the warmth, you’ll also notice it grows within you. Pay attention to what’s happening inside your chest. You’ll soon notice a subtle vibration inside along with the warmth. It feels a bit tingly or like a subtle buzz. You might also feel it in your hand.
Stay there. Focus on the inner warmth and vibration. Breathe. Notice as you breathe the vibration gets stronger. Stay with it. This is the frequency of you. The real you that runs the body and is always connected to Source.
As you stay with the connection, you might start feeling tingles all over inside your body. You might also notice you feel calm, uplifted, peaceful, perhaps even joyful. This experience will help you remember who you are.
Continue to feel this connection. Know the power coursing through your body is the natural essence of you. Your natural flow and the natural flow of the entire Universe.
Allow yourself to rest in this ultimate vibrancy without resisting or trying to understand it. This is how young children live much of the time. This is your forgotten miracle but always your choice to reclaim.
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful families.
And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. Click here to schedule.
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