New Class! Strengthening Your Intuition Muscle


Are you living in doubt or clarity? Both create very different experiences. But what if you knew you could count on your inner guidance for every answer without fail? What if you knew you could receive accurate information from all life sources to help with decisions?

You can. I’ve developed a 2-hour in-person class to strengthen your intuition muscle. In this class you will:

  • Experience your inner guidance through interactive exercises that will surprise you

  • Learn fun techniques to strengthen your intuition

  • Get to know the way your unique guidance system operates

  • Prove to yourself the accuracy of your guidance and develop valuable trust

Imagine the joy and freedom you’ll feel without inner conflict and doubt. This is how you are meant to live. And right now is the perfect time to create your best life by listening to your best self and acting on its loving wisdom. 

When: Saturday, January 11, 2025
Where: Kiki’s Simple Abundance, 318 Bush Street, Red Wing, MN
Time: 9:30-11:30am

I love this class because it’s so much fun to witness you wake to your own wise counsellor and feel confident in knowing you can trust it. Wouldn’t it feel like a miracle if you were decisive and clear every time you faced a decision and no longer wasted your energy second-guessing yourself?

Well, we are in the season of miracles. 😊 Gift yourself the experience of getting to know your perfect inner guide so you can move into the freedom of consciously creating what feels best for you.

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive mentorship package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

If I can be of help to one of your loved ones, please consider a gift certificate

2024Mary BauerComment