The Great Hoax and how to end it


In my opinion, the greatest freedom you’ll ever experience as a human being is the absolute trust in yourself to know what’s right for you and the ability to take action without doubt, if required. Imagine what’s possible for you with that kind of clarity.

So, what happened that keeps you from living this way—the way you were innately built and meant to live 24/7?

The Great Hoax happened forging an acceptance within of the biggest lie you’ve ever been told—that you need something outside yourself to feel safe, secure, and loved. This lie supports the idea that other people, institutions, corporations, governments, etc, know what’s best for you. Somehow you must swallow the belief that these outside influences know you better than your own inner guidance.

Not true. Not even a little bit. But given enough reinforcement, over time you’ll relinquish your beautiful power of choice to those you believe have more authority than you do to know what’s right for you.

In order to move away from this constrictive conditioning, you must first gain awareness of the surprising forms of manipulation and control and the devastating generational patterns that result.

Kristine Kieland and I are taking a deep dive into this important subject of claiming your true freedom of unapologetic uniqueness with a new 3-part on-line class. This is your time to believe in you and do as your heart directs without fear. Click the link to learn more and sign up:

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment