Have you tried the Wonder Woman pose?


I was in Menards the other day saving big money and when I got in my car, I noticed I was singing the song I heard in the store. Some old rock song that I’m not going to try to remember because it took an hour to forget it the first time.

And that, my friends, is how easy it is to brainwash someone. The human has such an amazing subconscious that once we absorb information like a song, it’s hard to reverse and go back to a still mind. Trouble is, what you’re thinking usually creates feelings. Feelings can stir up hormones in the body that raise your feel-good vibes, or lower them

The old rock song had me humming along feeling fine, but what happens when you hear or see something that creates fear or anxiety? Thank heavens we have the Wonder Woman pose to help us reverse those fearful thoughts.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Stand tall, chin up, with your feet firmly planted on the floor a bit wider than shoulder width.

  2. Fist your hands on your hips and say: I am brave! And mean it!!!

This pose is super grounding and will pull you right back into your body and out of your head space. You can also bounce on your feet and that helps ground you as well.

Try this pose when you feel intimidated, anxious, or need a little extra super power when trying something new.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment