Powerful energy technique and video to relieve stress from my new book


Today I thought I’d share an effective, easy technique and demonstration video from my new book Energy Techniques to Feel Better. THANK YOU to all who ordered this little guide and landed it solidly on Amazon’s top 100 releases since its launch. An amazing feat! Again, thank you.

The book contains my favorite go-to methods, and I truly hope the information helps you as I’ve seen it consistently help clients, family, friends, and myself.

Book excerpt for Physical Chakra Alignment Exercise:

Your body is the ultimate sensing device and often stores unresolved emotions as tensions or pain in your tissues, cells, organs, nerves, and energy fields. This simple exercise helps release these tensions and opens your chakras for optimum energy and ease.

The steps:

  1. Sit comfortably, or lie down, legs uncrossed. Close your eyes.

    1. Take 3 deep breaths, and relax.

  2. Now, bring your focus to your feet. Tense your feet, only your feet as best you can for a slow count of 10.

    1. Take a deep breath, and relax your feet.

  3. Bring your attention to the calves of your legs. Tense your calves, only your calves as best you can for a slow count of 10.

    1. Take a deep breath, and relax your calves.

  4. Tense only your thighs for a slow count of 10.

    1. Take a deep breath, and relax

  5. Tense only your hips, buttocks, and stomach muscles for a slow count of 10.

    1. Take a deep breath, and relax

  6. Tense only your chest, shoulders, back, and arms for a slow count of 10. Make a fist to help you tense the area.

    1. Take a deep breath, and relax

  7. Tense only your face, neck, and back of your head for a slow count of 10. Make a face to help you tense the area.

    1. Take a deep breath, and relax.

  8. Take one more deep breath, wiggle your fingers and toes. Open your eyes, fully relaxed.

What do you notice? Does your body feel tingly, more relaxed? Are your tensions lessened? Do you feel lighter, your body more connected? Do you have more clarity?

You can do this exercise anytime you don’t feel good and positive about yourself or the world in general. It helps clear all your chakras with minimum effort. It’s also a great way to relax before sleep.

Click this link for the technique video demonstration: Physical Chakra Alignment Exercise (6:04)

For more helpful feel-good exercises, click the link to order ENERGY TECHNIQUES to FEEL BETTER. Most have video demonstrations to go with the techniques.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment