News to share! My new book is here!


I’m sort of jumping up and down with excitement, right now. My book Energy Techniques to Feel Better is published and I’m eager to share it with you.

This little energy guide (only 61 pages) was created as healing support for when your joy of life becomes blocked by big emotions, stress, pain, and confusion. It uses easy, hands-on techniques that tap into your powerful life force energy to balance and restore your natural health and well-being.

In addition to the step-by-step instructions, the handy QR codes link to videos demonstrating my go-to techniques proven to help you feel better, lighter, calmer, and more like you again. I don’t know how you feel, but I like to see something done before doing it. Demonstrations make it easier for me to understand and that’s why I included them.

Bottom line, I want you to feel better and I know these methods work. They can also help you help a loved one who might be struggling. Over the years I’ve had a lot of nice feedback from clients who have used these techniques. I’ve included a few of their testimonies below. Click on the link to purchase: Energy Techniques to Feel Better — mary m. bauer (

Thank you, and much love always! <3

“After practicing these techniques, I noticed a shift in my thinking. I feel more decisive and surer about myself.” –Greg, TN

“I did the grounding exercises, and this is the first morning in years my knees didn’t pop in the shower.” –Jessica, MN

“My daughter was not in a good place, and she used many of these tools to help her work through her low times. She’s like a different person now. Happier, more loving.” –Jackie, CA

“The procedure for sleep works great. A few counting breaths and I’m out.” –Cathy, IL

“I use these techniques to stay calm at work during busy rushes. Fantastic tools!” –Becca, MN

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.

2022Mary BauerComment