How to find the peaceful center always present within


It’s December! My gosh! How??? We are entering what we’ve come to know as the season of joy and good will toward all people.

At the same time, humanity is going through an earnest revitalization of connection to its authentic highest soul self. On some level each of us are deciding what is vital to our joy and what isn’t. We most realize our joyful natures when we are peaceful inside.

Many pray for world peace, but are we peaceful in our hearts? When we are, we automatically are peace in the world. We already are what we pray for. Humanity will experience peace one person at a time living peacefully within themselves.

Now, how do we find peace within? How do we embody the peace that surpasses all understanding?

By experiencing love that has no conditions, expectations, or attachments.

Piece of cake, right? You’ve totally got this!

You do. Really. And here’s a powerful way to discover the unconditional love that lives within you. If you have children, think for a moment how you would feel if they told you they never wanted to see you again…

Painful, devasting thought, right? Don’t even want to think about it. I understand completely.

But if they did tell you they never wanted anything to do with you again and there was nothing you could do but accept their wishes, would that change anything in your heart about how you feel about them? They could withdraw from you completely, but would it really change how you feel about them inside?

You’d still feel the love you always felt for them, right? You might be grieving the relationship, but nothing about your love for them will have changed. In your heart the love you have for your children can’t be changed and it can’t be taken from you.
Feel the peace of that realization. That no matter what happens, the love you feel within can’t change. There’s no struggle. Nothing you have to do or be. No one has to act a certain way. The love you feel is simply there and can’t be changed.That’s peace.

No children in your life? No problem. Think of a pet you love, a significant other, friends, or family and imagine they are no longer in your life. Feel in your heart the love you have for them that can’t be changed whether they are physically with you or not.

This is YOUR love. It lives in you. No one can take it from you no matter what. Feel the peace in that.

Every time you feel unbalanced, frustrated, angry, sad, or scared, come back to this peaceful center of love always present within you. The more you work with the love you carry within; you begin to radiate this sense of peace into the world without even trying. Now you are peace on earth with nothing but good will toward all people.

People respond to this calm vibration and in the absence of anything but love, are able to find their own inner peace which manifests as a pure joy. Peace on earth, beautifuls, let’s bring in the joy!
And as always, I’m available for private or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance through energy work or intuitive life coaching.

If you’d like to learn a couple powerful techniques for having more energy, watch my free video Take Back Your Energy.

If you’d like to learn how to help bring more love to yourself, your families, your neighborhoods, cities, and the world, watch this video on a simple way to change fear energy to Love by using our waterways.