Do your negative thoughts about someone make them more negative?


As you’ve heard me say many times over, thoughts are energy that can be measured as impulses on the electromagnetic field. Enough people thinking the same thought becomes the catalyst for experience in the physical plane of existence.

A thought rooted in hate creates a very different experience than a thought with unconditional love as its source. Since there are no private thoughts as all thoughts materialize in the universe as sparks of energy, what you may not realize is how your thoughts really do influence another’s experience of life.

Let’s say you’re having negative thoughts about another person. We see that quite a bit right now with our political leaders. As you think what you will about a person you disagree with or feel is bad and deserving of your disgust, these electromagnetic impulses (thought frequencies) attach to their field creating even more of what you despise. Basically, you’re contributing to their behavior making them more of the person you think they are.

The person may feel your thoughts as a heaviness, or heartache, or paranoia, or something just feels off. But you’re not off the hook either. As the originator of these negative thoughts toward another, no matter how much you feel they have it coming, these same thoughts return and attach to you. Energy attracts like energy.

Forgiving another really does release them from the negativity you attached to them by your thoughts, but it also releases you from drawing more of the same negativity in your field that you’re harboring about someone else.

Good and bad don’t exist in the spiritual realm, there’s only forward movement through growth and expansion. This beautiful earth and our life as a human being is one of the ways our brave Soul uses in its journey toward evolution.

We’re in a time where our quantum physicists are proving the miraculous nature of the Universe, how it works to create what we think of as our reality, and our role as thinkers and how it has contributed to our current human experience. The evidence is compelling.

I feel it’s much easier to forgive or process personal thoughts and feelings when you understand why and how everything is created and the natural (inescapable) outcome of your choices.

Want something better in your life? Take a look at your thoughts and what you’re sending out into the world. Everything starts there.

Want better political leaders? Send loving thoughts to the ones we have. And don’t stop there. Love yourself and your family with your whole heart no matter what, and more so when it’s a hard choice. Love is the highest frequency and changes everything. But don’t take my word for it, try it out.  

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive life coaching package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment