A 3-minute technique for heart/brain balance


For years now, when doing energy work to balance the frequency in a client’s brain, I intuitively end the process with one hand lightly on the right side of their head and another on their heart area. I watch and feel the frequency connecting and amplifying the energy between the brain and the heart.

During this process, I know the brain is learning its rightful place in the body as heart interpreter and not the other way around. The brain is more like an amazing storage unit of information. The heart has its own brain with its own memories. It receives your soul messages—feelings and intuition are its language.  

So, imagine my bit of surprise when I learned the HeartMath Institute has a ton of science-backed research proving this very phenomenon I naturally do during sessions. The Institute has an easy technique that will harmonize the neuro network in the brain and the heart. Here’s how:

  1. Get comfy, close your eyes, and shut out the outside world by tuning into your heart.

  2. Slow your breath. Exhale longer than your inhale. Example, inhale for the count of 4, exhale for the count of 6.

  3. Choose a positive feeling to meditate on like gratitude, appreciation, enthusiasm, compassion. Think of a time you felt this feeling and relive the moment by feeling it.

  4. Continue the exercise for 3 minutes every day.

Why do you want the brain and heart to be in harmony?

Well, some of the immediate science-proven benefits are a strengthened immune system. It awakens the longevity of your telomers, relieves stress and heals down to molecular levels. It also lifts your frequency to a felt connection with your highest Source energy where all is immediate and possible.

For 3 minutes time, the good-vibe positive feeling generated can last up to 6 hours. If you want to dive deeper on heart/brain coherence, visit www.heartmath.org   

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive life coaching package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment