What can you learn from a tree?


I love nature and am forever blown away by its wisdom. Right now, in our northern Midwest region, we are in the process of changing seasons from summer to fall.  

As I watch the tree leaves turn from lush emerald green to hues of yellow, red, and brown, I know that soon their branches will be bare and I’ll marvel at the completely nude forested hillsides thinking if I didn’t know better, I’d wonder how these skeletal remains ever held life?

The natural and colorful autumn dying process is a gentle yet glorious bridge that signals winter is near as is the time for deep regenerative rest. The daylight hours get shorter, the temperatures colder easing us into the emotional security of cozy warm sweaters and calorie-laden comfort foods.

Where we suffer is if we fight against this all-important natural step. When we are addicted to the stimulating, frenetic pace of spring and summer, the fall season can become the depressing foreshadowing of cold nights ahead that we must endure rather than embrace.

To me, this changing of seasons is a perfect metaphor for what we are all going through. As people, we are in a season of change within as evidenced in our outer experiences. We are feeling it everywhere—an unnamed undercurrent of emotion in our relationships, our careers, our towns, and our country that seems more intense than in our past. 

This is not a good or bad thing. It’s simply evolutionary change.  

But some can feel this intense emotion as separation anxiety, fear, tension, hopelessness, abandonment, grief, anger. A bleak negative future brought on by intense uncertainty and fear conditioning trying to make us feel the world is a scary place and people are evil.

Not true. The world is a beautiful place as it always has been, and people are truly evolving. It wasn’t too many centuries ago when we all packed picnic lunches and gathered the family to go watch a good beheading. We don’t do that anymore.

The fear mongering and repetitious media programing is an energy grab and nothing more. Our thoughts and feelings are huge energy used to create specific outcomes. Prayer works because of this, but so does outside programming. Why do you think we have advertising?

In this time of evolutionary change, be mindful of where you give your precious energy. Try not to resist or fight the changing emotions you may be feeling within. If you feel triggered, don’t try to resist it or give it a story. FEEL the feeling. Blame and judge no one, including yourself as that’s the story. Just take a breath and feel.

At first, you might feel extreme pain but it won’t last more than 10-60 seconds if you stay with it. Just let yourself feel what is already in you. Now your body is able to relax and feel safe. You are listening and once the emotion passes, this is the time to quietly ask yourself what is this really about? Why do I care about this thing? Is it even mine?

This state of nonresistance is exactly the beautiful quiet space where you will receive your soul answers. This is the peace of God that always brings a feeling of well-being and joy. All other emotions fall away.

Nature is a great example of this. Notice how trees do not fight the changing of seasons. They don’t resist the fading of their greenery and the dropping of their leaves. They flow with the changes and will soon move into a time of rest so they are prepared for the next cycle of growth. They inherently understand to fight with their nature would ultimately kill them. 

Be like the trees.

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive mentorship package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment