How to talk to angels—3 steps


It’s been thought that there are many more angels than humans. I’ve also heard there are millions of what’s known as “unemployed angels” waiting to be called into service. What I’ve experienced is their love is absolute and unconditional, and they are always available to help when we ask.  

Some of us think of angels as more special or powerful than we are, but that is not how they think or feel. They don’t want us to put them on a pedestal. If you come across something that does, they are not an angel. 

Angels are the light of the Divine, and humans are the spark of the Divine. Angels see us as an aspect of Source because we create from within as the Creator creates. They have a great reverence for us, but there’s no sense of hierarchy.  

Angels know how difficult our lives can be at times. They want to help and can offer a different perspective of an experience as they are not embodied in physical form. They do not have fragmented minds steeped in ancestral/cultural belief systems so are not vulnerable to the fears we face. They know who they are and they remember who we are and will help us remember if we ask.

Do we need to talk to angels to understand who we are? No. We are eternally connected to our highest God essence and need nothing outside ourselves to answer that. In quiet contemplation we are able to sense within (in our own way) the intimate largeness of our authentic nature and decide once again what that means to us. 

But if you do want to have a conversation with an angel or get their perspective about something you’re going through, I’ve found these three simple steps an effective way to initiate communication:  

  1. Raise your vibration. As I said, angels are not in a physical body so their energy field has a finer (or what feels lighter to me) frequency. To communicate, our frequency must be in the same bandwidth. It’s a bit like tuning a radio. It’s all static until you find the frequency match.

    How do you raise your vibration? Close your eyes and deep breathe until you feel calm and still. Laugh, even if you have to fake it at first because that changes your body hormones from stress to ease.    

  2. Cultivate the feeling of appreciation. Spend a little time appreciating everything you can think of: the beauty of a sunrise, the love of your pet, the texture and color of flowers in a ditch, the taste of delicious food, the feel of the warm spray from your shower, etc. Remember: you are simply thinking of something you appreciate and feeling it in your body. The feeling of appreciation automatically raises your vibration.

  3. Talk to them by speaking out loud. If you want their help or want to have a conversation with them, speak out loud and ask just as you would a friend. Asking or at least forming the words within your mind, gives them permission to take action. Be intentional with what you ask because they can be quite literal. They will take it as you say it.

And that’s it. When I’m at work in session, I raise my vibration by closing my eyes and taking a deep breath to calm and clear my mind. Then I set the intention for the highest good. My intention goes something like: This session is for _____. May s/he receive everything they need with ease, clarity and grace, and in a way that makes the most sense for them. It is at this time I will ask for the help of angels—often Archangel Michael or Gabriel if appropriate as I know they are tremendous healers.     

The angels come every time I ask. I know they are with me because I feel good inside, calm, still, my chest area feels expanded and I can breathe easier. I also experience a slight pressure and heat on the back of my hands. They often show me through my inner vision the work they are doing within the person. And the cool thing is the person can also feel everything I see.

You can also ask your angels for signs so you know they are supporting you. They will bring you pennies, feathers, repeating numbers, songs, cloud images, birds and animals. Get specific. They don’t mind. A friend of mine asked her angel for something yellow. A moment later a little yellow bird started pecking on her window and wouldn’t stop until she realized it was the sign she asked for from her angel. 

Your angels hear you. Talk to them and have fun!

P.S. If you’re looking for other powerful ways to support your highest good and move forward with your life, sign up for the upcoming breathwork class October 5, and the new Quantum Love Retreat on the shores of Lake Superior October 23-27. The links are below for more information.   

And as always, I’m available for individual sessions. All sessions include deep energy support and loving intuitive guidance to heal emotional/physical pain and confusion so you can live your best life. (You may also choose Emotion Code at the time of purchase.) Click here to schedule.

Or click here to purchase an intuitive mentorship package for ongoing weekly support to release negative patterns, promote a healthy mindset, and build on what you desire most.

2024Mary BauerComment