Do you know how to use your built-in bullshit meter?

Nov 13.png

Did you know you have an extremely accurate tool for helping you make decisions?

That’s right. It’s called your Intuition. This handy tool helps you discern what’s right for you and what’s not.

What is intuition?

Intuition is the little voice inside your head that tells you when you’re in trouble, or whispers lovely inspirational ideas, or gives you the next practical step to a project you’re working on.

Intuition brings your messages in other forms as well such as knowing—you just know when something doesn’t seem right. Or by how you feel—something in your gut doesn’t seem right, or you feel off. Or you get a weird vibe. Or everything seems to shut down and life becomes difficult around whatever choice you’re making. Time can seem to d…r…a…g, and your energy, too.

Conversely, intuition will happily let you know when something is perfect for you as well. Maybe there’s a light feeling in your heart, or you feel peaceful, or joyful. Maybe a little excited chill runs through your body. Or suddenly everything seems easy and people are super friendly and helpful toward your project. Your energy soars and time zips by.

Many times we don’t listen to our intuition. In fact, we do the exact opposite. We say yes to people’s projects, events, requests when we really mean no freakin way.

How do you know when to say no? When you have a sinking feeling, or a guilty feeling, or a feeling of obligation right before whatever you are about to agree to. When you feel the need to justify doing something by thinking I should go, I should help, I should do this or that.

If you think you should do something out of obligation or guilt, please don’t because it means you’re making yourself do what your amazing intuition is telling you straight up that you don’t want to do.
If you make yourself go against yourself, you bring conflict and pain to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy bodies.

There’s a solution.

Master the art of saying NO.

No, I don’t want to go to the game tonight. No, I don’t want to take that class, or read that book, or babysit, or go for lunch. No. No. No. I once had to tape this word right next to my phone to remind myself not to give in and say yes when I didn’t want to. I had kept myself so busy fulfilling what I thought I should do, that I didn’t have any time to do what I wanted to do.

Clear your calendar and your mind of everything that feels like obligation. Everything your intuition is letting you know is not in your best interest. If you do this, it opens up space for what you want to do.

Which begs this question—how do you know if you’re passing up an opportunity? What if you’re not sure if you want to do something? What if it feels a little scary to you, but maybe a little exciting at the same time?

If it feels a little exciting too, then go for it because that’s your intuition talking to you. Continue to check with your intuition by monitoring what’s going on inside your body throughout whatever you’re doing. If it feels off, stop what you’re doing. If it continues to feel exciting or right for you, wonderful! Either way, you’ve done a great job listening to your intuition.

Want to know exactly what’s in your energy field and what it’s trying to tell you? Book me for a Healing Touch energy session.

Love and light, Beautiful Being!
