Are you still living with your ghost of Christmas past?


One of my favorite stories of all time is A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. A classic story of redemption using Scrooge’s past, present, and future timelines so he can view his life from a different perspective.

The approach of the New Year seems a perfect opportunity to take a look at how we have created our lives and what we want different, if anything, in our future. Remember, what we are living and deciding right now is directly affecting our probable future as our hero Scrooge found out. This is true for each of us on a personal and collective level.

As 2021 comes to a close, I’ve been consciously recalling my personal challenges of this past year. More specifically, I’ve been reviewing whether they are reconciled or not. In truth, some are, and some I’m still working on. That’s okay. I’m human. Challenges are a part of life until death. It’s how I evolve and gain wisdom.

But for those challenges I have reconciled, one idea seems to stand out that’s propelled me from problem to solution. I’ve released the “ghost” emotion that is only in my mind and based on past experiences. Then I’ve chosen the opposite thought from what I normally have in the past. I’ve chosen to release the hurt personal feelings that were controlling the circumstance in favor of a wider, more all-encompassing perspective.

The new thought created new options I hadn’t been aware of or willing to act on before which changed everything in ways I couldn’t have imagined. The interesting thing about this is these solutions were always within me. They simply weren’t available to me until I chose to stop dragging my past thoughts and my past history into my present moment.

So how does it look to choose the opposite thought of what is normal for you in order to create solution?

As a simple example, let’s say your home sustained storm damage and you need to contact your insurance company. If your normal go-to thought is, “I don’t know why I’m bothering. They always find a way to get out of paying,” then you most likely will experience exactly the future you are helping to create with your current thought based on a past thought or experience.

Instead, try doing the opposite. Say to yourself: “I have great insurance with great people who want to help me.”

If you’re used to thinking the first way, I highly recommend you move your thoughts into a more friendly version of what you actually want to see happen. And STAY in this thought. NO going back to the old thinking. This one change in thought/attitude, really does bring different results—ones more in line with what you want.

This works for everything: relationships, career, finances, your sense of security, health. Everything. Let go of those old hurts, those old tired ways of viewing life, and start creating what you really want. Happy New Year!  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions or gallery sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coaching.