What if you CAN’T stop thinking?


Everyone has days, right? Days when we feel extra tired, sick, down. These are the days we can feel our energy drop and we don’t want to do anything except maybe complain and feel sorry for ourselves.

Every atom of energy attunes to ranges of frequency. When our energy drops, our frequency tunes into a new match. Guess what it will be?


It’s at this point we automatically begin the storytelling about how someone was mean to us, or they are to blame for what happened to us, or we become hyper critical of ourselves or others or the situation we find ourselves focused on.

Last week we looked at some ways to stop the automatic repetitive thinking, but what about the times when you just don’t have it in you to even try?

Then I suggest you move into the story. Let yourself go, really go. Have a breakdown hissy fit. Once the big emotion passes, you’ll feel a little calmer. Now you’re more open to other options. This is the time to get curious and ask yourself some deeper questions like:

  1. Why do I care so much about this?

  2. What do I think is really happening?

  3. Is what is happening even mine to do anything about?

    1. If yes, take the action that’s yours to do right away.

    2. If no, let go and let the energy of love surround you and the situation. That is the most powerful thing you can do. Then move on with your life. Do something you’ve been wanting to accomplish. Or just do something, anything that gets you to focus on something else. This breaks the old pattern. If it’s a funny movie, book, or friend all the better. Laughter builds high vibration.

If still obsessing, ask what age is talking in my head right now? What age cares so much about this thing?

The first number that pops into your head is accurate. Most of the time it will be a child’s age. The child in you is still hurt, angry, not understanding an experience that got triggered by whatever is happening in the current moment.

This is the time to take a deep breath and honor the child in you that’s hurt. Listen with your whole heart to this inner child of yours. Validate their feelings without judging how they feel. Cuddle them, comfort them, and remind them you are ALWAYS listening, loving, and keeping them safe as only you can. They can always come to you.   

Hug them and let them come home to your heart. You will feel a little click when they do and notice you feel much lighter. Give it a try.

And here’s one more way to break a pattern—guided breathwork therapy. Breathwork helps end a debilitating storyline while loving yourself completely. This is one of my favorite go-tos when I feel stuck. It’s natural, easy, and works by oxygenating your blood and stimulating your pineal gland (the small organ in your brain that regulates sleep, hormonal health, and well-being). Breathwork therapy gives access to your highest wisdom.

I’m offering this powerful in-person workshop Saturday, January 6 at Studio 2.0. For more details and to sign up click the link.

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

2023Mary BauerComment