Insights from two sacred sites


My last full day in Ireland found me visiting two ancient sites: the Hill of Tara, and Knowth.

The Hill of Tara is at least six thousand years old (Neolithic age) and known as the seat of the High Kings of Ireland. The role of High King was not hereditary. They won it through battle, or were chosen.

This site has many earthworks including passage tombs, burial mounds, ceremonial sites, what may be a banquet hall, and the home of a High King. The most famous structure is the Stone of Destiny that is thought to have been brought to Ireland by pre-Christian supernatural deities, and is said to “cry out under the foot of the true king.”


Set on a high elevation with a spectacular 360 view of the surrounding countryside, the site itself sort of reminds me of a golf course—green rolling hills and manmade mounds and ripples.

But this is no golf course. The second I stood at the opening to this site, my whole body shivered with high, high vibration. When I approached the Stone of Destiny, in my mind’s eye I saw what the land must have looked like thousands of years ago—before it was called Ireland.

My vision was of thick forests that surrounded the hilltop clearing. Not the lush grassy pastures of today that are bordered by hedges and stone fences and dotted with grazing sheep and cattle. I could see families with men carrying felled deer across their shoulders, and could feel the excitement and awe that was part of the seriousness of crowning a new leader.

I also “heard” bagpipes playing which surprised me. I asked Renee (my travel partner) if she heard the bagpipes, but she didn’t—though it didn’t surprise her they would be part of the ceremony. Again, if you consider the age of the site, it is possible tribes from all over what we think of as England, Scotland, Wales, etc. would be included in the celebration that formed diplomatic relationships and policies.

When we left the Stone of Destiny to make our way to the visitor center, I heard bagpipes again, but different this time as the sound came through my physical ears and not a sixth sense. This time Renee also heard them and as we came around a bend, we saw a young man at the banqueting hall playing. Before we got closer, he ended his song and marched off across a field.

I thought this interesting and validating. My physical hearing is only 50 percent so it’s not likely the original bagpipes I heard were made by this young man.


After the Hill of Tara, we drove to Knowth—another ceremonial site many thousands of years old. Over two hundred stones ring the large passage tomb. The stones are some of the oldest and finest examples of neolithic art. The images on the stones are so old that no one knows with any certainty what they represent. Possibly the sun, moon, or skies as the passage itself aligns with the rising and setting of the sun. 


This site also felt high vibe to me. One stone was pointed out to a few of us by our excellent guide—an energy intuitive herself with the twinkling eyes of one who knows her stuff. 

I put my hand on the stone and covered the carved swirl. Immediately my body hummed with energy. I put my other hand over it for balance. (Look at the picture of the stone with the blue circle drawn on it. That’s where I put my hand.) A week later, and I can still feel this energy buzzing in my hands. How cool is that! 

Now, by the time you read this I’ll be back home. My time in Ireland will have ended, but I can honestly say I don’t feel like the same person who left a month ago. 

I’ve gained a renewed sense of trust in myself and the universe, a bravery I didn’t know existed in me, answers to some inner puzzles, a true compassion for humanity, and a deep calm that brings so much joy. I never realized I didn’t feel this before. At least not in quite the same way. 

I feel energized, happy, hopeful, and quiet inside. And I’ve got a deeper appreciation for everything about my life—family, friends, the farm, health, career, opportunities, and yes, even all the fights and misunderstandings I’ve had with others. The poor choices and aligned choices. I regret nothing, and am grateful for everything.

Good-bye and a heartfelt thank you to the Emerald Isle for igniting and aligning within me the spark of creation that has always been who I am. There is little to fear if I can remain open to the abundancy of life that shows up as experience.  

And as always, I’m available for private sessions if you need deeper understanding, support, or guidance in the form of energy work or intuitive life coachingClick this link to schedule.  

2023Mary BauerComment