Emotion Code for Animals

Animals have feelings, too. They often take on the energy of the people and animals they live with. When something emotionally upsetting happens, they can suffer the effects of trapped feelings just like we do.

The Emotion Code method created by Dr. Bradley Nelson works the same way for animals as it does for humans, and can prove beneficial for helping them release their big emotions and feel like themselves again.

If you are interested in Emotion Code for your animal, the session will be conducted online and the animal must be in the same room with you. If you prefer in-person at your home, please email your request at marymbauer.author@gmail.com  A travel charge will be applied.

Emotion Code for Animals Options


What People Say After Their Session:

For more than three years my show horse has had weeping wounds on her right leg. The skin is paper thin from the knee down, and the hair won’t grow. I’ve taken her to the University of Minnesota to be checked by their animal experts, and have worked with three other veterinarians with no results. Mary did an emotion code session on me and then one on my horse a week later. Even while we were in session, we could see the hair growing on my horse’s knee. I’m just so surprised at how well the work works!
— Polly